
Below you will find a wealth of products you can purchase that were produced by Dr. Horner. Support Illuminatio Project through purchasing these valuable resources!

Evangelical Philosophical Society 

Downloadable teachings for sale from popular EPS-Sponsored conferences. Search for “David Horner” for topics like:

  • The Apologetics of Happiness: Learning from Augustine, Aquinas, and C.S. Lewis
  • Moral Objections to the Gospel: How Can God Be True and Christians Be Good, if Christians are Neither? A Case for Moral Apologetics
  • Can Worship Make a Difference…
  • Universanity: How to Go to College without Losing Your Mind, Faith, or Character
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Biola University Apologetics

Find a wealth of resources available for purchase from the Biola University Apologetics Store. These are all audio CDs on a variety of topics. 

The Goodness of God In The Furnace Of Doubt

When good things happen to bad people – and bad things happen to good people – where is God? This question has plagued generations. Asaph, the worship leader for King David, chronicled his furnace experience in Psalm 73, when the lifestyles of the rich and famous poisoned his mind with doubt and envy. Dr. Horner digs deep into this psalm and discovers three distorted conclusions about injustice that gives us a furnace perspective. But Asaph also buried the treasured answers here, providing a glimpse of the destiny of the wicked and the goodness of God. When our perspective is refined by fire, we can exclaim with Fyoder Dostoevsky, “My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt.” 

Learning From Le Cham Bon

What is the village of Le Cham bon and its significance to the world? Dr. Horner uses the examples of this little  farming village in France and its actions during World War II to show the importance of CommunityConviction, Character and Compassion. With the increasing crisis of community and values in our culture, the need for communities like Le Cham bon is great. Dr. Horner encourages us to be people of conviction who, like the Le Cham bonians, are so engrained with the Characteristics of community, conviction, character and compassion that we can say we know no other way to live.

Faith, Reason, and Truth in the Christian Life

What does it mean to have authentic Christian faith at its deepest levels? In this lecture, Dr. Horner argues that the more reasons a person has for believing God to be trustworthy, then the more that a person can rely on God and increase their faith. Dr. Horner also demonstrates the importance of properly understanding to the truth about God, in order to respond with trust and obedience to His promises.

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Can God Be Known? Answering The Skeptic

Dr. Horner addresses the widely believed idea that knowledge of God is unattainable. The key misconceptions in seeking knowledge of God are explained as Dr. Horner speaks of the top three derailing assumptions that draw people to the conclusion that we can not know God or know about God.

Equipping The Body Of Christ

Sometimes we miss what we’re looking for even if it’s right under our nose-because misconceptions leave us focusing on the wrong thing. Like the story of the guard in the former Soviet Union who was so intent on preventing illegal smuggling he focused on the load instead of the wheelbarrow, misconceptions distort our view of reality. Dr. Horner demonstrates how we can make intelligent and considerate responses to five common misconceptions about Christianity: 1) It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere. 2) Christianity is intellectual suicide. 3) Being a Christian is a matter of being a good person. 4) Jesus was merely a good man. 5) Christians are religious people.

The Case For The Resurrection Of Christ

What sets an obscure Jewish carpenter-turned-rabbi apart from every other person that has ever lived? If Jesus claimed to be nothing less than God Himself, why wasn’t He written off as a lunatic? What transformed His disciples from a disillusioned bunch of cowards into a courageous bunch of bold preachers and martyrs? And now has His “God-in-flesh” claim persisted and impacted so many generations? It’s the resurrection. Jesus’ resurrection is the cornerstone of our Christian faith-so how do we respond to attacks against this fundamental tenet? Dr. Horner deftly debunks three theories against the resurrection and expertly examines seven facts that prove it. 

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The Other Sermon On The Mount

As Christians we are called to communicate the truth of Jesus to those around us. But communication is not just talk. Communication only happens when something is shared. If we are going to communicate, we need to learn the language of our culture. After all, we’re not in Jerusalem anymore, we’re in Athens. In today’s world, like Paul, we cannot reach the world with God’s truth and ignore Mars Hill. There, in his sermon on the mount, Paul met people where they were and took them where they needed to go. He acknowledged points of common ground, met their need, and built a bridge to their final destination – Jesus. In this enlightening lecture, Dr. Horner communicates how we can both reach Athens and build Jerusalem.

Can a Thinking Person Believe in Jesus

Every day, a guard in the former Soviet Union asked a man with a wheelbarrow to empty his load, suspecting him of smuggling something.  But each day, the load was the same–sawdust.  After weeks of frustration, the guard finally demanded, “What are you smuggling anyway?”  “Wheelbarrows,” the man replied.  Sometimes it can be quite easy to miss what we’re looking for-even when it’s right under our nose- because of our misconceptions!  C.S. Lewis said that we were meant to run on God as car was made to run on gas, yet a common objection to Christianity is that “thinking people” don’t believe.  Dr. Horner demonstrates that it’s not only possible, but also reasonable for thinking people to believe in Jesus, by debunking five misconceptions that distort our vision of Jesus.

Knowledge that Transforms Lives

In a lecture for college students, Dr. Horner addresses knowledge in three major categories: master, mate, and mission. In other words, what (or who) do you serve, who will you marry, and to what cause(s) will you devote your life?

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